Dealcoholization Services


  • ABV Technology has deployed Equalizers in service centers around North America. Beverage producers can use the technology as a service option, before investing in an Equalizer.

  • The machines are hosted at breweries/wineries. Beverages are transferred in bond and processed on a per gallon basis with a minimum of just 30 gallons.

  • We offer demo runs. Contact us below to schedule. Send a sample of each brand and see just how great existing recipes are as a non-alcoholic version.

  • Double the value of your beverage: Make an NA beverage and an alcoholic filtrate for hard seltzer or RTDs. 2 outputs from 1 input!

  • Process to and from with kegs, or in bulk volume with metallized oxygen barrier systems.

  • Inline carbonation is available for keg processing, making the NA or filtrate ready to serve.

Start Dealcoholizing Your Beverages Today!